02 February 2012

This or That Thursday

A few more This or That questions...

Stripes or polka dots? Stripes. I don't know if I own anything with polka dots. Unless it's socks.

Hot or Cold? That's a tough one. I'd have to say cold. You can always put on more clothes/curl up in a blanket...but there's only so much you can do when it's hot. Although, I do love a good run in the hot summer sun.

Tea or Coffee? These are killing me today! Presently, probably coffee. Historically, tea. Sweet tea, that is. Although, I have been known to go for some English Breakfast on occasion. But my coffee consumption is at an all-time high.

Ice or Fire? Ice. Definitely. I have a crazy fear of fire. I think I've only lit one match in my entire life.

Dog or Cat? Again, killing me. Since I have a cat I should probably say cat, but there's something about dogs. Like the dog on the bus yesterday. So dogs. Final answer.

Chocolate or Vanilla? I might be the only person in the world to say this, but vanilla. I don't like chocolate ice cream. Or cake. Or milk. Pretty much anything chocolate flavored except an actual chocolate bar.

Glass or Plastic? Glass. There's just something about drinking a Coke from a bottle. Or from an actual glass.

Odd or Even? Even. A resounding even! Just ask anyone who's been around me long enough about how I feel about the TV volume. It must be on an increment of 5 or an even number!

Past or Present? What kind of history major would I be if I didn't say past?

Save or Spend? Save. I might be the least fun person to go shopping with. I will talk you out of buying something.

Under or Over? Are we talking toilet paper here? Maybe it's TMI, but over.

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