10 February 2012

1.   If money wasn't an issue, the first thing I'd cross of my life list is     go around the world in (probably more) than 80 days.  I can't think of anything I would want to do more.  And my current financial situation is definitely keeping me stateside for the immediate future   .

2.    Salt and vinegar potato chips     is something I like that other people think is weird.

3.  If my life were a movie right now, the title would be     "Grad School Life" or "Eat. Read. Sleep. Repeat."      .

4.  Three things I am looking forward to this month are     going to my first IU basketball game    ,    turning 23   and     hopefully heading home for a weekend   .

5.  My favorite song to sing in the shower is   that probably depends on what I'm listening to in the shower.  Yep, I'm one of those people.  But I generally like something upbeat  .

6.  If I found out that the production of     Dunkin' Donuts French Vanilla Coffee or Double Stuff Oreos -- can you imagine a world without Oreos?  Because I can't.    was ending this month, I'd go out and buy as much as I could tomorrow.

7.  One thing I'll never grow tired of is    doing everything I do for the glory of God  .

Hope your weekend is filled with loveliness!


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